各位親愛的朋友,由於Formosa Club成員的畢業,所有新的同學會活動將會移動到新的FB社團


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Dear Formosa Friends,

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Time : 3:30 pm Saturday 11/04/2015
Location : Room 102 / 1888 Building, the University of Melbourne 

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Dear Formosa Club members,

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Dear Formosa Club members,


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電影欣賞: 總鋪師 Zone Pro Site

一個人在國外總是會懷念台灣的味道,Formosa Club誠摯邀請各位朋友一起來感受一下台灣的古早味!

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正是出外走走的好天氣,Formosa Club將在十一月二十三號舉辦"腳踏車的騎乘與維修保養"的演講

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Dear Friends,

Well come to Mid Autumn Festival BBQ. According to the result of our servey, Formosa club will hold a BBQ this year. You can go to Jones Reserve by yourself or someone will help you at tram Stop 127 at 11:30am and 12:00pm

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Dear Friends

Welcome back to Melbourne. The Formosa Club invites you to join our first gathering in the second semester in 2013. We will watch the movie “Hear Me” at 4pm and have a dinner after the movie. The dinner will start at 6.15pm including KFC + Pizza + Soft drink. It will be $5 for Dinner. Please let me know if you will join movie presentation and dinner, or only dinner.

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Hey guys,

Ling will talk about the very basic knowledge of photography as well as share some of her past experience. Please come and share yours with us! Any prompt ideas or suggestions are more than welcome.Bring on your powerful pocket camera, as well as a RULER that you can see the scale clearly!Do remind yourself recharging the battery beforehand as we will do some activities during the talk.DSLR users are welcomed but we basically will focus on finding out what’s the latest compact range capable of.

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